So how did a full-time school counselor end up becoming a photographer and where does Anastasia fit in?
Remember the old 35mm, self-winding cameras with the disposable flash? Or disc cameras? How about the “panoramic” fad? At different times in my life, I’ve had and loved all of them. And now, since the advent of digital cameras, I have built a Nikon arsenal and the skills to use it to capture your amazing moments and create memories to last a lifetime.
I don’t have The traditional, formal training in photography, my camera has always been at my side—for capturing social events from my childhood, making photo collages as keepsake gifts for my friends, or preserving the beautiful images I find in the world around me. In fact that is how this all got started. For the past ten years I have built my NatureScripts alphabet photography business. Time and again, customers and friends asked for me to do their family, newborn and engagement sessions. I have loved that interaction so much, that I am booking more and loving every moment of it, thus the birth of Lisa Anastasia Photography.
Oh yeah, the name Anastasia, my middle name. I have always loved my middle name, probably more than my first name. Apparently my dad loved the name, but my mother was not so keen on it being my first name. I have always longed to use the name in some formal way and I am so excited to name my business Lisa Anastasia Photography.
My love of people is apparent in all of my photographs. Some of the photographs I take come from my favorite local parks, hot spots and clients’ homes, while others come from my travels near and far. I’ve already visited 44 states and 15 foreign countries. I get my inspiration from nature, of course, but also from the emotions and body language conveyed by people. How they express themselves in the world and the interaction with each other is what I hope to capture every time I have my camera by my side. I hope to share that inspiration with others.
With three months of vacation each year, I enjoy plenty of time to exercise my creative spirit in ways that reflect my love of natural light and lifestyle photography. Thank you for sharing in my passion.
–Lisa Anastasia